Thursday, January 21, 2010

Radiohead To Play Benefit For Haiti This Sunday In Hollywood

Tickets are going to be auction only and can be bid on via the link below, starting at 8:00 PM tonight. Sadly, many Radiohead fans are rich, so I won't be participating in the bidding. But I'm glad that they're doing something for the people of Haiti. They should raise a shitload of money with it being auction only. If you can afford it and are a Radiohead fan, you should go. The Fonda is a great venue and Radiohead will probably never play a place this small again.

More information from their site:

Radiohead for Haiti

We're doing a show this Sunday (24th January) to raise funds for the relief effort in Haiti. The venue is The Music Box Theatre at The Fonda in Los Angeles, doors at 7pm. All proceeds are going to the Oxfam Haiti relief fund. We're trying to raise as much money as possible, so tickets will be sold by auction at this site from 8pm tonight (Thursday) until 11am Saturday (PST). We're in the middle of recording at the moment, so you'll be catching us on the fly.... but if you're up for it, then we are too.

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